A quick - but super important - message before 2014 runs out

"Are You MURDERING Your Spiritual Life
 Without Knowing It?"

By Direct Invitation Only, Elisha Goodman Invites First-Time Subscribers To Join The Final Prayer Academy for 2014. Read On To Find Out If You Qualify...


From: Elisha Goodman                                                 Sunday, 11 a.m.   

Dear Friend In Christ,   

I want to congratulate you for reading this far...  and for reading my mails all this year as we continue to TAKE BACK what the enemy has stolen from us.

To you, this short invitation will work like the proverbial “small hinges that open big doors.”

I will explain what that means in a moment, but before then, a very important message: 

We're now in the closing weeks of this year 2014. 

And what a year it has been! 

                      I Have Crossed To The Other Side

I joined the daily emails in July through my pastor. I went to her place to tell her I had given up on our marriage and our company. I was fed up. But today I have managed to cross to the other side of the river. I had so many debts which were created by my husband, now he paid all the debts and has changed a lot.

Our business is flourishing and yes I used the 40 prayers to attract a car and 3 months down the line I have a brand new car which was not a priority. In the house we had sold our stuff like fridge hoping to buy them immediately but it has taken ages. Right now we have bought every thing I need.

Am even surprised by how God works when you have the right prayers. I used the Prayer Cookbook and every single prayer you send to my inbox. I follow all the instructions and have tasted the honey. I can’t wait to join the Prayer Academy… my life will never be the same again.

- Sister FK



The question is …

 How do you want to see yourself
at the end of this year 2014

Spiritual victory, plus the sweet smell of success it generates … is no accident. It takes careful planning ahead of time.

And this is the PERFECT TIME to re-examine the spiritual foundation for your success as we move aggressively to TAKE BACK (through prayer) all that's been stolen from us.     

Here are the 4 simple steps to put you
on the overcomers' track before the end of 2014:


#1 – Ask yourself, “What do I want to accomplish before this year runs out  that I have not been able to accomplish so far?”   

#2 – Now imagine that GOD is able to make things happen for you ... and how such divine intervention will change your life, your family, and those around you.   

#3 – Ask yourself, “What new blessings, new miracles, new favors do I need to breakthrough to success and victory ... by year end in just a few weeks?”   

4 – Now think… “What is the surest and most fulfilling way to breakthroughs, signs and wonders that believers have always tapped into ... and how can I apply it ... to round off this year?”   

        I KNOW the ups and downs you go through on a daily basis with your life, family, business or job.

        I’ve not only experienced them myself, I’ve talked with and prayed with thousands of believers across the world who were in your shoes.
        I KNOW what it's like to be sitting on the wrong side of the river -- like Sister FK above -- where the grass is dead and people look hopeless and not very happy... looking across to the other side, where the Feast of Life is rocking away, and everyone is feasting on the promises of God and VERY happy.
       And I hated the fact that I didn't know how to get across that river.
       Didn't know how to claim my seat at the Feast.

But the LORD helped me
   (and will help you too)

To build my OWN little bridge to cross that river, and take
a seat with the other happy, joyful people.

       Do you know how the LORD empowered me to be able to build that bridge, and how HE helped me to change my life forever?
       HE taught me to pray in a targeted, focused manner.
       From the moment I discovered how to craft a prayer point that worked (from the scriptures) ... I kissed my old life goodbye forever -- that sad old life of discouragement, debt, fear and hopelessness -- and promptly entered into the joys of an EXCITING abundant life with the LORD.
       And what I found, I recommend it to everyone who comes across our websites.

       In fact, God willing, I will continue to do whatever I can to help you build YOUR own bridge...

       ... so you, too, can come over to the lush fields of exciting spiritual journey with the LORD, where sometimes prayers get answered while you are yet speaking!               


12 Years Of Joblessness Gone

I am happy to report that already I am seeing the hand of Almighty God on me just after I got your guidelines on prayer. For a long time I have been living a very distressed life. I have been jobless since 2002 and everything in my life got scattered after I lost my job and got arrested for misappropriating some money at my work place.

The consequences of my mistake in 2002 have been on my back till last month when I learned something from your materials - prayer. After getting to know what you teach immediately results are coming forth and just this month (Nov 2014) I have secured a job. I know more things are coming my way now…

- Brother WM


       There are many ways to build your own bridge... and the LORD can show you a thousand and one ways to do so, if you ask HIM.       

       But the one way HE helped me and I KNOW I can help you with... is to show you how to pray in a focused, targeted manner.

       The 4 prayer manuals we use in the Prayer Academy contain over 1000 prayer "bullets" that have put smiles on the faces of thousands, if not tens of thousands, for many, many years!  

       Praise the LORD.     

       Here’s a typical testimony from someone who was invited here by a friend some months ago.


"Glorious, Fabulous Wedding
   in the City of Prayer Warriors"

"I thank God for what he has done for me through this website. I was introduced to this site by a colleague. During the month of August 2013 I went through singles prayer program and I enrolled as a Premium Member.

We fasted for 21 days for God to give us godly spouses. To my surprise on 15th day I invited a colleague to church who on 17th day told our pastor that he wanted to marry me. We continued in prayer and on November we did a very glorious fabulous wedding in Kenya.

Another miracle is that God blessed us financially that no pre-wedding, we financed the wedding. After the wedding I realize how blessed I was to marry my husband who owned  several properties including a big house in that no rental expenses.

-         - Sister Jeniffer, Kenya




To YOU this final program will work like the
“proverbial” small hinges
that move BIG doors.

       Years ago I was led to write a prayer manual.

       Originally, I wrote a hefty 324-page manual showing every single detail of how to pray yourself to dizzying heights with the help of the Holy Spirit …

       ... and then turn around to give others a helping hand (there are people whose deliverance is tied to your own, you know).

        But then I wasn't comfortable with the size of the book. It was TOO big.   

        I realized most people will just find it difficult to sit down and go through the book ... we are all very busy.

       Worse still, some could read the book and ASSUME they knew everything … without actually taking the action required to experience the results.     

        So I cut down the material ruthlessly (to just 91 pages), leaving only the “bare bones” prayer bullets and the 3 key biblical principles upon which they hang.  

       Even better 

       ... saving the rest for the intensive practical sessions of the 7 Lessons of the New Prayer Academy.    


       Because I realized you do need a guideif you must see results. And get good FAST enough to show others the way.      

       So you can take your seat at the feast SOONER, rather than waiting another year, or two, or ten, or – worse – NEVER discovering how to activate Bible promises… like the rest of the people.      

        This year 2014 is our TAKE BACK year. It really can be your best year ever … and the start of a new life …

        --   in your relationship with the LORD
        --   in your health
        --   in your finances
        --   and even in your marriage...

    ... if you’ll make up your mind, sign up and go through the FINAL Prayer Academy of the year. 

I was given 3 mandates
in setting up the Prayer Academy 

1. Take the most powerful prayers that eagles have prayed since the dawn of Christianity...  

 2. Update and put these prayers on the lips of average 21st century Christians... who desperately need urgent breakthroughs in their lives (please note the word: desperately)

 3. Coach them step-by-step to pray to the point of breakthroughs, miracles, signs and wonders (we stopped counting when we recorded over 3000 testimonies from 117 countries a few years ago).  

         The FINAL session of the Prayer Academy begins on the 25th … and you cannot believe the testimonies that are coming forth from the previous sessions (the one above is nothing compared to what we're seeing these days, praise the LORD!).   

Click Here To Secure Your Seat Now>>

Let me make something
    clear here … 

       One thing I never say is "Prayer Academy" is for everyone.

       Because it is not.

       In fact, I not only make that abundantly clear in my messages, but I "pepper" my daily emails with verbiage to discourage those who won't lift a finger  to learn how to pray for themselves and their loved ones.

       But if, after reading what I just said, you still take a step of faith and order this prayer manual and the other teaching materials (ebooks) available on our website now...

       ... then you will have passed an important spiritual test.

       Congratulations to you!

                        Click Here To Secure Your Seat Now>>

       You will now
be fast-tracked into this final, upcoming Prayer Academy starting soon.


      That means:   

       #1:  You will not be required to pass the “Gideon Test” anymore.

       (Others used to go through it before they could even join the Prayer Academy and our coaching programs).

       This is a spiritual test administered to distinguish the potential eagles from the chickens.

       And screen some people out even before they have a chance to get in.   

       #2:  There is NOTHING to pay for the 7 Lessons ... provided you have purchased (not borrowed) your own copies of the reading and reference manuals that will be used.


Once you understand this,
you are halfway to your breakthrough!

Click Here To Secure Your Seat Now>>

       What I'm asking you to purchase are spiritual textbooks that you need in order to benefit MAXIMALLY from the program. And they are yours to keep forever.          

        -- we do NOT sell prayers.
        -- we very rarely ask for offerings.
        -- we do NOT put pressure on you to donate money, or send tithes, etc.



Why Do You Have to
Purchase the Books to Join?

       Last year we had so much problems with many people not able to access their lessons in time because of the cheap computer software we were using at the time.

       So we stopped using that system this year and instead INVESTED thousands of dollars to move the lessons to a new, friendly system... very easy to access.

       This system is one of the best … easy-to-use, with fast and friendly user experience, PLUS great support through LiveChat with our prayer advisors on the site.

       But there is only ONE problem.

       Each time we send out an email we have to pay a certain fee (in US dollars), based on the volume of our emails.

       During this program, we’ll be sending close to 20 emails with lessons, prayer tips and coaching advice to each person. The charges add up very quickly when you include things like live telephone support and the rest.

       And since we run our websites from the proceeds we get from the book sales, we have no option but to charge a discounted fee to help defray the cost of running this program on this new system.

       Thousands of our past students agree (and you can see their breakout testimonies on our blog and even on Amazon.com).

       Praise the LORD.

Click Here To Secure Your Seat Now>>

       What about you?

       NOW if you consider the immediate release of your God-given blessings that have been locked up in the warehouse of the enemy (stolen) in the spirit realm without your knowledge ...

       ... if that is more important than all those fancy dresses / shoes and latest smartphones / iPads that most people spend their money on these days….

       … And if you desperately need to learn how to TAKE BACK what rightfully belongs to you, by force if necessary (with a little coaching help from us, working in partnership with the Holy Spirit of God) ...  

Click Here To Secure Your Seat Now>>

Why  your prayers should be loud
and mean in 2014


NOTE: Even if someone forwarded the old materials to you earlier, you are NOT qualified to join this final upcoming session...  

You can find the updated ones here:

Click Here To Secure Your Seat Now>>

#3:  You will have free and unfettered access to a password-protected Private Members Forum AFTER COMPLETING THE 7 LESSONS.

That is the home of tons of prayer bullets and materials that we don’t usually share with the public (i.e. those who are not grounded in the principles of prayer taught here).        

#4:  And much, much MORE!      

Here we go …

We’re about to hit the ground
running again for the final time this year

As soon as you download the new materials  (immediately after your order), please open to the Prayer DNA Secrets ebook and study the biblical principles behind our prayers.

(It would take you less than a hour to read. Read up to page 77 if you can. I promise you -- once you start you won't want to stop reading).

NOTE: Our prayers work best when prayed at the Hour of Interruption (midnight hour)... and I explain why in the Prayer Cookbook for Busy People (this one will take you about 25 minutes to read... stop at page 54 if you can)      

So please get yourself ready to pray with intensity. And holy anger.

Intensity in prayer is an absolute MUST.

In the past I've disqualified many people from the Prayer Academy when I found they either did not pray to the required level or didn’t pray at all... and given their spots to to others.

Don’t Let Someone Steal
Your Place


FACT: It is crucial that you prepare for your life to be transformed in the closing weeks of this year, and your future changed forever… so you can spend the coming year enjoying the goodness of God.

But you need to start the journey NOW.   

Click Here To Secure Your Seat Now>>

 Be An Overcomer,   

   2679 Howard Ave Suite 138
   Windsor, ON N8X 3X2

This FINAL program is for those who have never joined the Academy in the past

After reading this letter I'll ask you to do whatever you feel inspired to do. Throughout this year I believe I have done my part -- by daily reminding you that your God-given dreams are still within your reach... if only you'll start your TAKE BACK prayers for restoration immediately:


I'm Closing The Year In Style -
After 7 Years of Joblessness!"

In the beginning of the year I embarked on take back prayers. I had stayed for 7 yrs without a job. God gave me one teaching unit in one of our universities but I didn’t know it was just a training ground. Come September the Lord surprised me with 7 units to teach!

I am now closing the year in style! Praise Jehovah Jireh. I told Him by close of 2014 that 7 is the number of perfection and that was the end of joblessness. He is indeed our covenant keeping God!

- Esther, Nairobi Kenya


"Yes, I Want To Order The 9-Piece Kit 
And Secure My Seat For The Prayer Academy Right Now>>"



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