How Do You Manifest Those Wonderful Prophecies You Received For This Year?


Here's The #3 Simple Thing You MUST Know At Once, if You Want To Make This Year Your Best Ever!

        A Timely Reminder Of What You MUST Know At Once,
if You Want To Realize All Your BIG Dreams This Year
[Please Read On To Discover 2 KEYS...]


Dear Subscriber,

If you've ever wondered why you receive these unusual, warlike and aggressive prayer "bullets" from this site  ... well, there's a reason why I send them. 


Of course, there are things that will never be right, I know. But as long as I keep receiving thousands of emails from Christians tormented by:



You can be sure these prayer bullets will become even MORE aggressive and devastating.

See these 3 sample RESULTS:



“The Lord Came To My Rescue”

I would like to give praise and glory to the Lord for His faithfulness in my life. My husband who had left me even filed for divorce for no proper reason got reconciled to me after 4 years. Indeed there is nothing too hard for the Lord. I joined the Prayer Academy and prayed the prayers from Prayer Cookbook for Busy people and God came to my rescue and took away my shame. To Him alone be all the glory and honour. To my fellow friends who are still struggling in one area or another, please don’t give up, our God is more than able.

Ethel G, Zambia


"We Wedded On 25th May 2013"

"Dear Elisha,
I truly thank God that l miraculously landed on Elisha’ website which has changed my spiritual life & destiny totally. I was tired of going church to church to be prayed for, UNTIL when Elisha taught me how to pray for myself for everything in life. I joined the prayer Academy last year on 25th July 2012. I prayed earnestly to God for a husband who was God fearing, indeed by the end of the Prayer Academy, my husband showed up, as i speak now, we wedded on 25th may 2013. All the Glory goes back to God. Elisha prayers really work l have proof on them. Thank You Elisha for your teachings, Thank you Thank you, they’ve taken me to another level l’ve always desired to be."

-- Trisha, Uganda



"Totally Free From Diabetes"

A few years ago, I had a very evil dream. I dreamt that I had been bitten by a snake in the presence of my grandparents. I didn’t understand what the dream meant and had not grown sufficiently in my spiritual life to deal with the dream as I should have but 2 weeks later, I became very sick. I was diagnosed with diabetes.

Both my grandparents (on my mother’s side - the ones in the dream) have diabetes. I went through a real furnace. Finally, after a period of feeling like the world has ended, I came across Elisha`s prayer bullets. I prayed like I’d never prayed before, spent money on the gym, began to eat healthy, lost 10kg, spoke the scriptures on divine health to myself everyday like a mad woman.

Finally, after one year, I went for a medical exam. The results showed no trace of the disease. I’m totally free of diabetes. My grandfather was so encouraged by my miracle that he too started to exercise his Christian faith and he’s now free of diabetes.

 - Deborah, Kenya


Praise the LORD for all these wonderful reports ... PROOF that our God is still answering prayers today!

Now listen carefully.

Just to refresh your memory, in your end of year Special Report, 27 Minutes to Midnight, I revealed a secret to answered prayers that has given most of our subscribers great spiritual momentum  throughout this year.

The testimonies are PROOF. 
To date we have received over 3000 of them

Praise the Living JESUS!

From here till the end of the year we will be moving FAST...


Put On Your Crash Helmet...    


NEXT Prayer Academy is about to kick off. On the 25th.

We are about to start on an  unusual  21-day Mini-Marathon, where we are going to call into action hundreds  of "bullets" ALL AT ONCE. In a specific sequence. Embedded inside this opening SEQUENCE, are anointed prayer points to:

--  destroy age-old infirmities (read: sicknesses).

--  release the anointing for divine exploits this year.

--  break the yokes of inherited poverty forever.

--  arrest the agents of marital distress.

--  chase out the spirit of death.

--  break the yoke of insanity and confusion.

--  return arrows in the dream back to sender.

--  paralyse the spirit of mind paralysis.

--  force evil strangers to come out of their hiding places

--  release the healing power of God.

--  cut every pursuing serpent to pieces.

--  release turnaround breakthroughs

-  help you destroy visits from dead relatives in the dream.

--  and much, much more!

For those who have never participated in the Prayer Academy (or who participated but prayed in a lukewarm manner), there's no way I can put into words what you stand to experience in the next 90 days... as a result of being part of the new Prayer Academy Members' Forum. 

As at other times, only a few hundred people will be admitted. The remaining slots are filling up fast. Should you choose to accept this challenge, there's still a few spots left. 

NOTE: This is an online program. You do NOT need to travel anywhere. All you do is sign up and we'll send you a special password to log into the Forum, where our Prayer Advisors are waiting for you.

                                Click Here for More Details

Please listen carefully:


If you ordered your Breakthrough Essentials Kit in the last 3 days, please look for a WELCOME EMAIL to the Prayer Academy  ... in your inbox (or spam folder).    

Once you receive that WELCOME EMAIL, please please follow the instructions. 

If you don't follow the instructions, especially the one that requires you to fill out a simple form with your CORRECT and COMPLETE address information ...

... you will NOT receive the confidential Prayer Academy  email alertss ... which will be sent out to ONLY those who have filled out the address form. 

The emails will be going out shortly.


REPEAT: If you fail to follow the instructions in the WELCOME EMAIL, you will NOT have access to the program.    

Now is a good time to include my email in your address book, so that our emails do not end up in your spam folder in the future.

So many people miss my emails because of their SPAM blockers, especially if they are using the office email address (something I advise against).     

So if you want to join (and have ordered your kit), watch out for my email with the subject line:

 [WELCOME EMAIL] Thank you for your order (please see ebooks attached)

It will only be sent ONCE after you sign up. As soon as you get it, please read it carefully and take action immediately.

If you have not yet ordered but will like to participate, please click below::

                             Click Here for More Details   

And spend time to study at least the Prayer DNA Secrets ebook before we begin. 

Here's my suggestion:

As soon as you download the new materials  (immediately after your order), please open to the Prayer DNA Secrets ebook and study the principles behind our prayers (It will take you less than an hour to read. Stop at page 77).

NOTE: Our prayers work best when prayed at the Hour of Interruption (midnight hour)... and I explain why in the Prayer Cookbook for Busy People (this one will take you about 45 minutes to read... stop at page 54)

Thank you for your precious time.

And REMEMBER ... Our God is still answering prayers today!
Be An Overcomer In Christ!   


Firesprings, INC 
2679 Howard Ave Suite 138
Windsor, ON N8X 3X2


PS: One last thing -- I almost forgot...

          I'd love to send you nice, flowing prayers that sound very poetic and politically correct. 
          And tell you that everything is OK. But that wouldn't get us the answers you are seeing on 
          this site. Till things get better for believers everywhere, please expect even MORE aggressive
          prayer bullets throughout this year, especially in the Prayer Academy.   

"Yes, I Want To Order The 9-Piece Kit 
And Secure My Seat For The Next Prayer Academy Right Now>>"


Congratulations to those already in the Prayer Academy and the other programs.

What you are doing now is learning how to flex your spiritual muscles so your prayers too can force the enemy to release you (and all that belongs to you).

You now have access to a steady flow of inside information weekly to help supercharge you to your breakthroughs quickly.

Please do NOT joke with this opportunity.

My advice to you is that you take ALL the prayers and assignments seriously.

There are miracles and breakthroughs attached to every single prayer bullet in the Academy, as you will see shortly, if you persist till the end.

PPS: For those who have NEVER joined the Academy, I cannot begin to tell you what you are missing. Thankfully a golden opportunity has just opened up in front of you.

Another session is about to kick off on the 25th.

See full details here:

Click below to join the next PRAYER ACADEMY








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